The ATOM research group works at the intersection of software engineering, formal methods, and verification technology with the goal of developing rigorous techniques and tools to analyze and improve the quality, correctness, and reliability of software and systems.
The DESIGN group is interested in interdisciplinary research around all aspects of the architecture, design and engineering of next-generation Web information systems.
The LuCE research group focuses on computing education and its connections with programming languages and software engineering. Given these three foci, we are particularly interested in how people learn to program.
The REVEAL research group carries out research in diverse aspects of how to ease the comprehension and evolution of large and complex software systems. Current research is focused on software visualization, mining software repositories, collaborative development, and novel integrated development environments.
The SAPE research group is interested in the area between programming languages, runtime systems, and software engineering, with a focus on the efficiency of software, its users, and its developers.
The SEART group performs research in the area of software engineering, with a specific focus on software analytics. Current research revolves around recommender systems for software developers, mining software repositories, and empirical software engineering.
The vision of the TAU research group aims at making software testing activities partially or fully automated. The main research directions that are currently being investigated include: (1) search based test case generation; (2) system level, end-to-end test case construction, in particular in the web domain; (3) test oracle assessment and improvement; (4) test of unexpected environment conditions, especially in the domain of Artificial Intelligence based systems. Most of the ongoing research is part of the European Research Council project Precrime.